Thursday 19 February 2009

My funny Valentine

File this under 'things that are hard to believe'. Is it really possible that a certain TV comedy writer and atheist campaigner didn't receive a Valentine's card this year? What's wrong with all these younger non-believing fellas? If I were twenty years younger, etc etc...

This is a bit out of date now, but still worth watching as an illustration of how to stand up to silly religious spokespeople, using reason and humour:


Anonymous said...

As a younger non-believing fella, I can confirm that this scenario is completely incomprehensible. I am in awe of that woman, on many levels.

Martin said...

'On many levels'. I'm with you there. Frustrating, isn't it. that there are no acceptable non-sexist-sounding ways to express this more directly? Oh the plight of the pro-feminist man...
Thanks for the comments.