Thursday 19 February 2009

Your reading list for today...

Some quick recommendations:
  • Taking up Kenan Malik's theme here, and kind of related to this post, a great article by Thierry Chervel on the legacy of the Rushdie fatwa. Left-wing intellectuals, and post-modernists in particular, don't come out of it too well.
  • Reviewing Charles Taylor's recent tome (which I'm still struggling through), Andrew Koppelman comes up with one of the most thoughtful articulations of the secularism vs faith debate that I've read in some time.
  • Marko Attila Hoare produces a detailed and magisterial refutation of Richard Seymour's Liberal Defence of Murder. Unlike his adversary, Hoare knows whereof he speaks, and doesn't rely on dubious quotes from known conspiracy theorists and Milosevic apologists.
  • Finally, George Szirtes quotes from Howard Jacobson's powerful piece on the new antisemitism and adds a few telling points of his own.


  1. What great suggestions. Minor correction: Richard Seymour. That's the nearest I'm likely ever to come to defending him.
