Monday 23 March 2009

Blog birthday

This blog is two years old today. It's been quite a year: at some points I wondered if I would ever again post about anything other than US presidential politics. Looking back, I notice that my themes and concerns haven't changed much during the year, only come into sharper focus: the need to defend liberty, secularism, reason and progress against totalitarianism, theocracy, irrationalism and reaction seems as urgent as ever.

It's been a year in which I've discovered some great new blogs and greatly expanded my network of virtual comrades and friends. So, to all of you who have remained loyal through a year of Obama-mania, ranting about religion, and lambasting of Brownian New Labour - thanks for your patience. And special thanks to those who have taken the trouble to comment on what I've written, and linked to my stuff on their own blogs.


  1. Happy Blog BDay, Martin!

    You are one of my regular reads. Even when we disagree it is a pleasure to read your posts.

    Keep on keepin' on, brother.


  2. Keep up the good work Martin, and I'll keep reading.

  3. Thanks both for your kind comments - reciprocated!
    All the best

  4. A belated happy blogthday Martin. Hope I count as a virtual comrade!

  5. Thanks, Bob - and yes, of course you do. Thanks for all the links over the past year.
