Sunday 20 June 2010

The archbishop, the activists and the all-female flotilla

I have a guest post over at Engage.


  1. I prefer your vaguely smutty post title to the po-faced one at Engage.

    By the way, not sure how easy getting in to London of an evening is for you, but did you see my drink thing 17 July?

  2. Bob - I'm afraid I was responsible for both titles. I did the Engage one in a hurry - keen to get the post up while the story was still fresh.

    Yes, I saw your suggestion about the 17th. Great idea. As I don't live in London, it might be difficult - but you never know....

  3. Late to the party, Martin, as away from home. Read your Engage post with interest, and several of the commenters, notably Zhakarya (?sp), had already said (and better) what I might have added in response. Essentially, then: congrats!
