Thursday 7 August 2008

From Studio 60 to Shakespeare in one post

Of relevance to this, this and also this: check out this excellent review by Andrew of the now sadly defunct Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Meanwhile, what's a conoisseur of US TV imports to do over the summer, now that Brothers and Sisters, Mad Men, and even the gloriously hyper-real Dirty Sexy Money have finished? We've been reduced to working our way through DVD boxed sets of Ally McBeal, which somehow passed us by first time around. Watching five series in quick succession, at a rate of about an episode per night, is strange: Christmas seems to come round every few days.

I also enjoyed Andrew's enthusiastic post on David Tennant's Hamlet. We haven't been to Stratford for ages, but Andrew's review has made me keen to see the play when it transfers to London later in the year.

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