Thursday 6 January 2011

Arab atheists and agnostics speak out

You may not agree with everything said about religion in this video, but in a week when religious terrorists massacred people simply because they held different beliefs, and a politician was murdered for saying that maybe those who criticised religion shouldn't be executed, these testimonies by Arab atheists and agnostics are brave and encouraging.


Eve Garrard said...

Yes indeed, what brave people these are; thanks for posting this, Martin. It would be good to hear from religious Moslems who think that Islam needn't wear the ferocious face which has so alienated these people.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks for posting this. I agree wholeheartedly with Eva's comment above.

Martin Meenagh said...

I'm also struck by how many Egyptians were out defending Copts over the past few days. Perhaps Muslim people are finally going to stop allowing the presentation of Islam as a bought-and-paid for franchise of psychotic loony, plc...